
Friday 1st May Weekly Reflection

What went well ? getting all my maths Whizz to a high Standed .

What didn't go so well ?
I keep forgetting to keep onto my timetable

What will i focus on this week?I need to focus on listening to the teacher.

My first week back -a weekly reflection

A new thing I have learnt this week is how to make a histogram in maths. I can use this new learning in other situations to help record data in math problems.

This week I have done well in organizing for my subjects.

Next week I will focus on getting everything done on time .To do this I will need to work extra hard to finish  on time.

Swimming sports

On     was  swimming sports ! I was so excited about it but also really nerves at the same time i entered in 4 competitions freestyle, backstroke ,breaststroke and medley and also p j relay .

after every thing had finished.

 p j relay :)

1 comment:

  1. Great work on the Maths Whizz Chloe. You're working hard and showing focus. Keep at it!


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