Friday, December 11, 2015

Wellington Post # 2

Last week Rimu class went to Wellington for their 2015 camp. It was really exciting and very amazing that Rimu is able to travel on a train, boat and an aeroplane. Throughout this blog I will be taking you through our Rimu journey on our adventure to Wellington.

It all started on the 23rd of November. Rimu were about to hop on a train to Piction! 

    Emily and I on the train at 7:40 a.m
                                                                 Jack's amazing photo
                                                                 Logan and Josh awesome selfie
                                                             Katie sleeping on the train

Finally after 5 hours of sitting around and talking to our friends it was time to get on a boat to ride the waves all the way to the capital. :)


                                                               Waiting to go on the boat

                                                                 Katie sleeping again

Katie sleeping AGAIN!!!

Oh I felt sick( that is how everyone felt after 3 hours on a ferry!)

Now let's go and have some pizza and have a sleep at the YHA.

Good Morning! Let's get on with our day shall we. :)
First stop: The Museum of City and Sea. :)

                                                        Nice photo Sophie and Morgan
Year 8s what a bunch of posers 

I felt like playing some games and maybe I should watch some news while I am at it.

                                                       Lovely face you have there Gus

                                                           Hi Katie, what are you doing?

Wow Logan you look like a girly girl there!

Now I feel like something to eat! What about Mcdonalds and a play to watch as well?

I will post the rest of camp next week so you have a reason to look at my blog...  HAHAHA!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Wellington Post:)

Here is the video or news for today by class also know as Seven Blunt.
Hope you enjoy and there will be more photos and video coming soon in my blog:)